Thursday, March 31, 2011


So if you've been following this blog (unlikely, I know), you may have noticed some posts disappearing recently. The reasons are as follows: The first two were minutia about the week and didn't really deserve a place here, I felt, and the last was rather dark, and I'd prefer some people didn't see it. Not that I don't write dark things; Psychobabble is evidence that I do, but that's fiction. That post can be summed up fairly briefly anyhow. I read this: and responded under the name of Fay. I then started considering how much of my life is about comfort and not pushing my boundaries, and wondered if by choosing a simple life I'm being complacent, or perhaps just not as worthwhile as all my artist/writer/writer-artist (in the case of Path) friends. Do they feel things more intensely, though a lot of those emotions seem to be negative ones? Is there any shame in being muse and editor to Fox and Path and my brain-twin? The image of supporting cast comes up a lot.

Needless to say, it's a dark read, regardless of some of the more grotesque/suggestive imagery, so that's going away for now. I've stabilized out a bit, and I'm pretty okay with who I am. For now. We'll see how it goes. And, uh... Sorry. Yeah.

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