Thursday, October 13, 2011

I started watching Marble Hornets

Why am I so stupid? Seriously. It's just ohgodsohgodsohgods for a couple minutes, and then, too fascinated to stop, I do it all over again. XD I'm on Entry 16, and I'm taking it in ten second increments because I can't handle any more than that.

That said, I really like it. XD Turns out there's this whole ARG around it/the slenderman. I need to look into this more. It's really neat.

Also, wish JPo could be here for our game in April. He's done a slenderman costume for a con before, and he would be perfect as one of the nightmares/Gloria's horrors. Oh, well. Time to suit up and head out to class.

Addendum: Did not suit up; ran out of time, still left late. Got to the train station, realized I didn't have enough on my card for the trip, spent enough time dithering to miss the buses of two separate lines, caught another one, spend half an hour in sweltering heat with a ringing in one ear. Joy. No real scares on the way, though; no one was wearing a suit, at all. The closest was a guy who was sitting behind me with a long coat, who tapped me on the shoulder and asked me for the time, but as he was a somewhat unkempt black man with a Dr. Pepper clutched in one hand, he hardly seemed Slendermanesque. Also, and old white guy crossing the street in a suit, but he had a baseball cap. Really, the thing that caught me out of the corner of my eye was passing a suit store, and a couple minutes later, a Men's Wearhouse. So, yeah, I'm good. Final verdict: Not scared, just overheated, 45 minutes late to class, and I walked in to hear my professor describing smegma. Yeah.

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